Yiqing XU's resume


  • 2016, Aug - 2020, Jun
    B.A. Computer Science and B.A. Applied Mathematics
    National University of Singapore
  • 2020, Aug - 2025, Jun (Expected)
    Ph.D. in Computer Science
    National University of Singapore

Research Experience

  • 2023, Aug - Present
    Visiting PhD student
    • Advised by Prof. Prof. Leslie Kaelbling and Prof. Tomás Lozano-Pérez
    • Building a system to ground and optimize common-sense and multi-factorial objectives such as ``tidiness''. In particular, we ground the concept using multiple Diffusion Models (DMs) for the basic object relationships and optimize them jointly.
  • 2020, Aug - Present
    PhD student
    School of Computing, National Univeristy of Singapore
    • Advised by Prof. David Hsu
    • Designed IRL methods to scale up reward learning (Inverse RL) to long-horizon and high-dimensional tasks.
    • Built a simulator and benchmark for the Differentiable Deformable Object Manipulation methods.
    • Learnt/represented human objectives through various data forms such as demonstration, unstructured play, and foundational models.