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I’m Yiqing Xu, a CS Ph.D. candidate at National University of Singapore advised by Prof. [David Hsu]{}. Previously, I obtained double degrees in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from National University of Singapore.
I am currently a visiting Ph.D. student at MIT CSAIL, advised by Prof. [Leslie Kaelbling]{} and Prof. [Tomás Lozano-Pérez]{}.
My research in Machine Learning is geared toward its application in robotics, with a focus on translating human intentions into clear signals that machines can optimize. Central to my work is developing efficient representations that encapsulate human objectives, enhancing the synergy between intelligent agent and human data.
I delve into learning reward functions that reflect human goals from sparse data. Recently, I’ve explored learning the reward functions for physical skills using large language models via self-alignment. Currently, I’m pursuing ways to articulate robotics tasks with indistinct goals—like “tidying a table”—through structures more adaptable and integrative than traditional reward systems.
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555 your office number
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I’m Yiqing Xu, a CS Ph.D. candidate at National University of Singapore advised by Prof. [David Hsu]{}. Previously, I obtained double degrees in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics from National University of Singapore.
I am currently a visiting Ph.D. student at MIT CSAIL, advised by Prof. [Leslie Kaelbling]{} and Prof. [Tomás Lozano-Pérez]{}.
My research in Machine Learning is geared toward its application in robotics, with a focus on translating human intentions into clear signals that machines can optimize. Central to my work is developing efficient representations that encapsulate human objectives, enhancing the synergy between intelligent agent and human data.
I delve into learning reward functions that reflect human goals from sparse data. Recently, I’ve explored learning the reward functions for physical skills using large language models via self-alignment. Currently, I’m pursuing ways to articulate robotics tasks with indistinct goals—like “tidying a table”—through structures more adaptable and integrative than traditional reward systems.
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Link to your social media connections, too. This theme is set up to use Font Awesome icons and Academicons, like the ones below. Add your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Scholar, or just disable all of them.